
Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017

Javascript Compressor


One of programming code in Web app is Javascript. Javascript is programming code from client side. I had made a web app. That web app is dominated by client side programming. I used javacript, but I got a problem. I had a long javascript code. That's made big Javascript file. So that, made my web app loading was long. After searched for this problem, I got a solution. I could compress that javascript file, with compressor app online. I have three favourite app online for this case.

By this app, javacript is encoded and shrunk.
Looks difference these before and after.



Copy and paste compress javascript code into new file.
Finally, you get efficient javascript file.
Usually, file is given name "filename.min.js".

Many library javascript always include a "min.js" file type.
For efficiency & performance our web app, I suggest using "min.js" file type.

Okay, that my share about Javascript compressor.
I hope, this little post can useful.
I'm sorry for bad writing in english. It's my first..

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